Strange events lead Jack to suspect something bigger is going on: their son Eric claims he saw "silver men" cleaning the house in the middle of the night Jack finds a strange device underneath Amanda's bed memory chips on their son's MP3 player turn to dust Julia becomes abusive to her family, and is seen driving with an unidentifiable passenger. Bewildered, Jack returns home to a strangely indifferent Julia who leaves in a hurry, claiming to go on an urgent business trip. She is given an MRI, and suddenly her pain stops and the skin changes disappear. Jack takes her to the hospital, but the doctors cannot identify the cause of her pain. Later in the night, their baby Amanda awakens in agony as her body turns red. Jack is impressed, but becomes more suspicious when he notices the video was not made on the day she claimed.

One night, Julia shows Jack a video of the Xymos nanobots being put into a human test subject. She grows distant to Jack and her family, and he believes she is having an affair. His wife Julia serves as a high ranking executive at a nanorobotics company called Xymos, and claims to be working on a new revolutionary imaging technology, which takes up most of her time. The novel is narrated by the protagonist Jack Forman, an unemployed software programmer taking the role of a house husband. ( April 2016) ( Learn how and when to remove this template message) Please help improve it by removing unnecessary details and making it more concise. This article's plot summary may be too long or excessively detailed.